Below are Dr. Muscarella’s 30 most recently written postings. To view his articles written about a specific topic, click this site’s “Category” page.
- Endoscopy Patients at Vanderbilt Potentially Exposed to HIV and Hepatitis, County Officials Have Confirmed
- Dr. Muscarella's Responses, Proposals, and Recommendations to Medicare to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Infections
- 15 Patients Infected with Mycobacteria After Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery at a South Florida Clinic
- 17 U.S. Patients Were Exposed in December to a Colonoscope Contaminated with Salmonella Bacteria, FDA Reports Reveal
- In Support of Patient Safety, Healthcare Access, and Medicare Payment for a Single-Use Bronchoscope Model
- Guidance to Prevent Adverse Events, Including Mucosal Tissue Injuries, When Using Duodenoscopes with a Single-Use Endcap
- Gastroscopes Have Been Linked to a Cluster of Resistant E. coli Infections — Is the Risk Sufficiently Recognized?
- Assessment of the Effectiveness of Today's Endoscope Reprocessing Practices: An Abstract
- Flushing Endoscopes With 70% Alcohol to Facilitate Channel Drying
- Contamination of Flexible Endoscopes and Associated Infections
- Is A Less Robust Level of Disinfection Safe for Some 'Semi-Critical' Devices?
- A Bronchoscope Recalled in 2018 is Now Being Removed From Use, Worldwide
- Comparison of COVID-19 Federal Guidance for Certifying Deaths to the CDC's Assessments of Superbug-Related Deaths
- Can Bronchoscopes Transmit a 'Superbug'?
- Sterilization of Duodenoscopes Found to Terminate 'Superbug' Outbreaks
- New Guidance for Hospitals Considering the Sterilization of Flexible Endoscopes
- A Colonoscope is Linked to Two Infections of the Nightmarish 'CRE' Superbug
- A Bronchoscope is Linked Again in the U.S. to an Outbreak of the Feared 'CRE' Superbug
- Are Enzymatic Detergents the Primary Cause of The Inflammatory Eye Reaction Called TASS?
- New Guidance to Prevent Other Types of Flexible Endoscopes From Transmitting Superbugs
- FDA Warns Duodenoscope Manufacturers for Not Completing Ordered Surveillance Studies
- A Duodenoscope Has Been Linked to 'Probable Transmission' of a Colistin-Resistant Superbug
- FDA Clears A Duodenoscope with a Detachable Cap
- Air Force Advises 135 Patients of HIV, Hepatitis Infection Risk a Year Later
- 10 NICU Infants at UC Irvine Have Tested 'Positive' for MRSA Since Last Summer, the Public Only Now Learned
- The Redesigned Olympus Duodenoscope Has Been Linked to a 'Superbug' Cluster
- Infections Are Not Limited to the LivaNova's Sorin 3T Heater-Cooler or to M. chimaera
- A Philadelphia Hospital Links Mycobacterial Infections to a Heater-Cooler Device
- A Less Commonly Used Heater-Cooler Device Also Linked To Mycobacterial Infections
- Gastroscopes Now Linked to 'Superbug' Infections, Too
- Deadly Infections at a South Carolina Hospital in 2014: Was A Heater-Cooler Device To Blame?
- Causal Associations Between Duodenoscopes and 'Superbug' Infections: Can They Be Proven?
- At Least 40% of Disinfected Endoscopes, Possibly Colonoscopes, Remained Contaminated, Emails Reveal
- Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Undergoing Endoscopy
- UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Patients Were In "Immediate Jeopardy," Says State
- At Least 3 Patients Infected with Pseudomonas Die at Pasadena's Huntington Memorial Hospital
- 'Superbug' Infects 9 Patients, 3 Die From Previously Undisclosed Outbreak in Colorado
- At least 8 Patient Infections, 4 Patient Deaths Linked to a Mycobacterial Infection Following Surgery at Wellspan York Hospital
- FDA Orders Endoscope Manufacturers to Perform Safety Studies
- Rare Salmonella Strain Sickens 14 Patients at Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital
- "Infectious diseases linked to cross-contamination of flexible endoscopes": A 2015 Report
- Wrongful Death Suit Blames a Chicago-Area Hospital and Endoscope Manufacturer for a Fatal 'Superbug' Infection
- A 'Trickle-Down Effect': The Potential Impact of the FDA's Warning About Endoscope Safety on Automated Endoscope Reprocessors
- Another Potentially Deadly 'Superbug' Outbreak Suspected at a Pasadena Hospital
- FDA Warns Three Endoscope Manufacturers for Safety Violations Following Deadly 'Superbug' Outbreaks
- Federal probe: Low risk of 'superbug' infections at VA facilities?
- VA Acknowledges Dirty Medical Endoscopes May Have Infected Patients With Deadly 'Superbugs'
- Additional Measures May Be Necessary to Stop 'Superbug' Outbreaks Following Endoscopy, Says the FDA
- Four Types of Medical Endoscopes Now Linked to Deadly 'Superbug' Infections
- A Bronchoscope Was Linked to a 'Superbug' Outbreak in 2014
- A 2015 'Superbug' Outbreak in North Carolina: Were Contaminated Duodenoscopes to Blame?
- Greenville Health System Settles a Lawsuit Claiming Negligence Caused a Patient's Infection, Death
- Do All Hospital Disinfectants Destroy HPV on Contaminated Ultrasound Probes?
- USA TODAY Investigation: "Reports to Feds on deadly bacteria outbreaks arrived late"
- PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: "Cleanliness is paramount with endoscopes"
- Congressman Lieu Asks Questions of Endoscope Manufacturers in the Wake of Several Deadly "Superbug" Outbreaks
- Considerations Not Addressed in the FDA's Communication Discussing Olympus' New Instructions for Reprocessing the TJF-Q180V Duodenoscope
- HLN-TV NEWS: "Dr. Drew responds to 'superbug' health scare" --- Dr. Muscarella's Reply
- A "Test-and-Hold" Surveillance Policy to Prevent 'Superbug' Infections Following Endoscopy
- HIGHLANDS TODAY: "Infections, deaths six years ago brought to light in Highlands County, Florida"
- PALM BEACH POST: "CRE in medical devices killed 22 in Florida years ago"
- CNN: "Deadly superbug-related scopes sold without FDA approval"
- THE LOS ANGELES TIMES: "Scope maker Olympus faces scrutiny over patient deaths, infections"
- BLOOMBERG BUSINESS: "Superbug: Scopes in UCLA Case Linked to Florida Deaths Years Ago"
- CBS Los Angeles: "Torrance Lawmaker Wants Answers From FDA In Wake Of Superbug Outbreak"
- CNN: "Scope superbug: How long did the FDA know about problem?"
- Deadly ‘Superbug’ Outbreak Linked to Endoscopes At UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center
- "Hospitals get a mixed report card for preventing dangerous infections"
- IOWA CITY GAZETTE: "Local hospitals report no infections linked to GI scopes"
- Response to the FDA's Draft Guidance Document on the Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices
- The Phialdelphia Inqurier: 'Superbug' Infects 8 Patients at an Unnamed Philadelphia Hospital
- THE SEATTLE TIMES: Senator Patty Murray urges FDA to Act to Prevent "Superbug" Infections Following GI Endoscopy
- Undisclosed Deadly 'Superbug' Outbreak in Washington State Prompts Questions
- FDA Soliciting Public Comment on the Safe Use of Disposable Irrigation Tubing
- THE SEATTLE TIMES: "Undisclosed superbug sickened dozens at Virginia Mason"
- USA TODAY: "Deadly bacteria on medical scopes trigger infections"
- Risk of "Superbug" Outbreaks Linked to Two Types of Gastrointestinal Endoscopes: Pittsburgh (PA), 2012
- Important Lessons Taught by Recent "Superbug" Outbreaks Linked to GI Endoscopes
- At Least Seven Deaths Linked to GI Endoscopes in Seattle, Washington
- Superbugs, Contaminated Gastrointestinal Endoscopes, and a Growing Number of Hospital Infections: Is an FDA Action Imminent?
- The Use of Biological Indicators to Monitor Liquid Chemical Sterilants: The FDA's Position, 2014
- The STERIS System 1E Liquid Chemical Sterilant Processing System: Looking Back and Forward
- Persistent Microbial Contamination of Vaginal Ultrasound Probes Despite Disinfection: A Brief Review
- CDC acknowledges old Ebola treatment rules were too lax, imposes new ones
- Risk of Transmission of Superbugs during Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Recent Cases of Infection during GI Endoscopy and Other Surgical Procedures: A Focus on Patient Notification
- Flash or Immediate Use Steam Sterilization: A Position Statement
- The Worst Outbreak of the Ebola Virus in History
- Recommendations to Prevent Atypical Mycobacterial Infections Following Surgical Procedures
- 4th Patient Dies, 15 Infected at Greenville Memorial Hospital Likely Due to Contaminated Tap Water
- Association of GI Endoscopy with Two Patient Deaths: Illinois, 2013
- Tap Water Used for Irrigation during GI Endoscopy: A Recommendation and Assessment of the Infection Risk
- The Environment as a Source of Hospital Acquired Antibiotic-Resistant Pseudomonas Infections
- Study Finds U.S. Hospitals Are not Following Policies Proven to Prevent Life-Threatening Infections - A Call to Action
- Multiple Outbreaks of a 'Nightmarish Bacteria' Linked to Contaminated Endoscopes in the U.S and Europe: Has a 'Smoking Gun' Been Found?
- Confirmed Patient-to-Patient Transmission of Hepatitis C in Canada during Endoscopy, 2014
- Lessons Taught by a Recent "Superbug" Outbreak: Could 'Ex Post Facto' Notification be Warranted?
- CDC Confirms Superbug Transmission via Endoscopy
- Response to a Fox News Report about a "Superbug" Outbreak at a Hospital in Illinois, 2013
- GI Endoscopy: Pushed Beyond its Reprocessing Limits?
- Investigation and Prevention of 'Superbug' Outbreaks Following Endoscopy
- Largest Outbreak of Dangerous Superbug Bacteria in U.S. Tied to GI Endoscopy at a Hospital Near Chicago
- Overlooked Outbreaks of "CRE" Linked to GI Endoscopy: A "Superbug" Epidemic in Our Midst?
- Risk of Disease Transmission during Cystoscopy: Discussion of a Specific Error in Maine
- Guidance for the Safe Use of "Disposable" Irrigation Tubing Used During GI Endoscopy
- California Health Alert: Failure to Disinfect Reusable Semicritical Instrumentation Poses an Increased Risk of Infection
- Escherichia coli Infections Linked to a Contaminated TEE Probe
- New Hampshire Patient Did Die of Creutzfeltd-Jakob Disease --- NBC News
- Early Identification and Control of Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Originating from a Contaminated GI Endoscope
- The Trophon EPR Ultrasound Transducer High-Level Disinfection System: A Commentary
- Disinfection or Sterilization of a Contaminated Reusable Instrument?
- Nature: "Antibiotic resistance: The last resort"
- Answers Sought in Hepatitis Infection at a Hospital in New Hampshire
- "Disposable" Irrigation Tubing Used During Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Full Disclosure of Medical Errors Reduces Malpractice Claims and Claim Costs for Health System | AHRQ Innovations Exchange
- Unsafe Injection Practices Remain All Too Common
- Two Patients Affected by Bacterial Infection Have Died
- The Cost of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
- Response to a Report about GI Endoscopes Remaining Contaminated despite Cleaning
- Root Cause Analysis of a Medical Error
- Study of an Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Following Arthroscopy in Texas in 2009
- Published Rates of Infections in ICUs: More Conjectural than Scientific?
- Some Facts about Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs)
- The Reprocessing of Sheathed "ENT" Endoscopes, Cystoscopes, and Other Types of Flexible Endoscopes
- Best Practices for Reprocessing Gastrointestinal Endoscopes: Two Questions and Answers
- Recommendations for the Safe and Effective Use of Ortho-phthalaldehyde
- ortho-phthalaldehyde: A Tale of Three Labels
- Enzymatic Detergents: Are They More Effective for Cleaning Soiled Surgical Instruments?
- The Reuse of Single-Use Devices
- Root Cause Analysis of an Endoscope-Reprocessing Breach
- On Reprocessing Skin Electrodes
- Transmission of Infection during Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Following Flexible Endoscopy: Did the CDC Get it Right?
- Improper Use and Reprocessing of a Gastrointestinal Endoscope's Auxiliary Water System
- Infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa linked to Flexible Endoscopes: The Importance of Endoscope Drying
- Risk of Transmission of Creutzfeltd-Jakob Disease by Contaminated Surgical Instruments
- Types and Characteristics of Biological Indicators for Monitoring Sterilization Processes
- Distinction Between a "True" and "Pseudo" Bacterial Outbreak
- Growing National Concerns about Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE
- Protocol for "Prepping" a GI Endoscope Prior to its Delayed Reprocessing
- Pre-Cleaning Gastrointestinal Endoscopes at Bedside
- The FDA's Quality System Regulation (QSR)
- Recommendations to Prevent Infections Associated with Improperly Reprocessed Reusable Medical Equipment
- Isolation Precautions for the Prevention of the Transmission of Ebola, Enterovirus-D68 and Other Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings
- Prevention of Serratia Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
- Stopping Hospital Infections
- Endoscope Damage: A Review of the Medical Literature (Part 2)
- Endoscope Damage: Could 2% Glutaraldehyde be to Blame? (Part 1)
- Delayed Reprocessing of Gastrointestinal Endoscopes and Bronchoscopes
- Association of Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) with Ophthalmic Instrument Sterilization
- Potentially Faulty Assessment by the Veterans Health Administration of the Risk of Infection Associated with a Number of Confirmed Breaches
- History of the STERIS System 1: A Detailed Review
- The Safe Storage of Gastrointestinal Endoscopes
- Impact of Hydraulic Fluid on the Sterilization of Surgical Instruments
- Risk of Disease Transmission Associated with Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Case Study: A "Dirty" Gastrointestinal Endoscope
- Recommendations to Prevent Viral Transmissions due to Improper Medical Practices
- Assessment of the Effectiveness of Five Initiatives for the Prevention of CLABSIs in ICUs
- Medical Errors, Infection-Control Breaches and the Use of Adulterated Devices
- Review of an Evaluation of the STERIS Reliance EPS Reprocessor
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie? The Importance of Transparency in Infection Control
- Outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease at a Veterans Administration Medical Center
- How to Reprocess the MAJ-855 Water Tube and the GI Endoscope’s Auxiliary Water Channel
- Factors Shared by Studies Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bundles for Preventing CLABSIs
- Factors that Might Cause an Intervention's Effectiveness for Preventing CLABSIs to be Exaggerated
- Dear CDC: Review of a CDC Report about the Risk of Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Dear Pediatrics: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Bundles and Checklists for Preventing Certain Types of Bloodstream Infections
- Double-Gloving to Prevent Physician-to-Patient Disease Transmission
- The Effectiveness of Bundles of 'Best Practices' for Preventing CLABSIs in ICUs?
- Three Facts and Myths about Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSIs)
- A Tale of Two Assessments of the Risk of Disease Transmission
- The Partial Immersion of a Flexible Endoscope in the Disinfectant?
- Reprocessing the Handles of Rigid Laryngoscopes
- Liquid Chemical Sterilization
- FDA's Definition of Sterility, Sterile: Is It Sound and Complete?
- Decontamination of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Manikins
- Investigation of a Multi-State Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis
- Genotyping Helps Identify Source of an Ambulatory Center's Infection Outbreak
- Florida Judge Rules in Favor of Veteran in Colonoscopy, Hepatitis C case
- A Legal Case and Verdict about Improperly Reprocessed GI Endoscopes
- Biofilms and the Risk of Transmission of Clostridium difficile during GI Endoscopy
- Prevention of Legionnaires' Disease in Healthcare Settings
- Infection Rates and the Evaluations of Interventions: A Common 'Post Hoc Fallacy'?
- Data Validation: An Elephant in the Room?
- The Joint Commission's Recommendation for Reprocessing Rigid Laryngoscopes: Is it Valid?
- Reprocessing of Laryngoscope Mask Airway Devices (LMAs)