NJ.com (January 16, 2015)
“Hospitals get a mixed report card for preventing dangerous infections.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Eliminating hospital infections is a “top priority.”
Kerry McKean Kelly of the New Jersey Hospital Association:
- “Hospitals recognize the threat MRSA poses and are focused on addressing it — but clearly we must continue that work to move our rates downward.”
- “The problem with MRSA is that it’s very prevalent out in the community, so it will require not just hospitals but all types of health care facilities, as well as public health officials, to commit to this problem and work to address it. “
- “We’re heartened to see infection rates decline significantly in areas like central line infections and surgical site infections, which N.J. hospitals have focused on for the last three years under the Partnership for Patients initiative.”
- “That’s validation of hospitals’ commitment and hard work on these issues.”
Lawrence F Muscarella, PhD:
- “This national report by the CDC is a step forward, but virtually all of the data that the CDC uses to base its conclusions about progress in today’s hospitals are voluntarily reported by the U.S. hospitals themselves to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network, so the potential for these data to be inadvertently biased cannot be ruled out.”
- “There may be a financial bias to under-report and not document infections.”
- Efforts to reduce infections (in hospitals) are “commendable.”