Category: Escherichia coli

Gastroscopes Have Been Linked to a Cluster of Resistant E. coli Infections — Is the Risk Sufficiently Recognized?

This article presents an FDA report filed in November (2022) — publicized now for the first time — that links gastroscopes to 3 patients testing positive for a “rare strain”…

Risk of Transmission of Superbugs during Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Click here (PDF format) or here (HTML format) to read Dr. Muscarella’s “Risk of transmission of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and related ‘superbugs’ during gastrointestinal endoscopy” (World J Gastrointest Endosc 2014; 6(10):457-474.)…

Multiple Outbreaks of a ‘Nightmarish Bacteria’ Linked to Contaminated Endoscopes in the U.S and Europe: Has a ‘Smoking Gun’ Been Found?

A popular Sunday morning television news show aired a segment on January 15, 2014, that provided helpful advice about a concerning outbreak of “nightmare bacteria” that had been linked just…