Category: Outbreak Investigations

15 Patients Infected with Mycobacteria After Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery at a South Florida Clinic

This article presents some of my perspectives and questions about a recent investigation by state and federal health officials of a cluster of mycobacterial infections linked to cosmetic surgical procedures…

Causal Associations Between Duodenoscopes and ‘Superbug’ Infections: Can They Be Proven? Update: The Associated Press corrects a misquote about causation attributed to Dr. Muscarella

August 24, 2016 — (Updated: August 29, 2016) — Newspapers frequently print articles discussing my independent research, views and conclusions about hospital safety, public health, and the possible causes of…

At Least 3 Patients Infected with Pseudomonas Die at Pasadena’s Huntington Memorial Hospital The hospital had disclosed previously only that three patients were infected.

May 5, 2016 — At least three patients died following an endoscopic procedure performed last year at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena (CA), the Los Angeles Times disclosed today in…