Below are a few of the testimonials about Dr. Muscarella and his work. (Because of his commitment to confidentiality, names are provided only if the comment had been previously publicized.)
- “Dr. Muscarella, I wanted to let you know that we have reached a settlement with (the manufacturer) on these cases. … I want to thank you very much for all your help, it was invaluable.” — A legal client
- Dr. Muscarella is “a health care consultant who scours medical device reports submitted to the F.D.A. and has often been the first to identify infection risks.” — A New York Times reporter
- “Wanted to let you know that we (settled the) case yesterday. I cannot thank you enough for all of your work in this case!” — A legal client
- “Your expertise in this subject is second to none” (the subject being bronchoscope-related infections) — A company representative
- “Don’t stop doing what you’re doing!” — A representative and expert at U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
More testimonials discussing Dr. Muscarella and his work:
- “Finished reading your article, ‘Guidance to Prevent Adverse Events Including Mucosal Injuries When Using Duodenoscopes with a Single-Use Endcap.’ Thank you for your ongoing efforts in making endoscopy a safer practice for our patients and caregivers.” — A nurse manager
- “Great job Sen. Murray and thanks Larry for getting her attention and protecting the lives of our patients with your work!” — A gastrointestinal register nurse (and manufacturer’s representative)
- “Dr. Muscarella was the driving force and issued the alert regarding the dangers of spreading CRE with flexible retrograde endoscopes.” — Health Watch USA
- “Dr. Muscarella, As always, THANK YOU for your efforts and expertise chronicling infection control, transmission, investigations, revelations and insight into solutions. Your site and efforts have single-handedly provided a “One-Stop Go-To” resource allowing medical practitioners, patients, regulators, researchers, stakeholders, attorneys, etc., a most valuable and time-saving reference. You are deserving of the highest award in public service.” — A former FDA employee
- “You are a good man and truly committed to the cause of safe patient care and trying to help us, as nurses, to give it. Keep it up we need people like you to help make the difference!” — Anonymous
- “We want to recognize the efforts of Lawrence Muscarella. … We need more safety advocates like (Dr.) Muscarella. … (He is a) tireless advocate for endoscope safety.” — A legal client
- “Thank you very much for your extraordinary review of the (manuscript submitted to our medical journal for publication). I am sure that all your fruitful observations will be of great assistance to the authors in order to improve the overall quality of this article. We look forward to counting on your expertise to review future papers to our journal.” — A medical journal’s editor
- “You write blockbuster information in your blog. You are a true star among scientists.” — A New York newspaper columnist
- “Thanks so much and have a great day. Thanks also for your passion for the safe care of the endoscopy patient!” — A clinical practice operating-room specialist
- “Thank you for continued, dedicated and important work.” — An ex-FDA employee
- “Many thanks to you for the painstaking and diligent work that you do.” — A manufacturer’s representative
- “Dr. Muscarella’s articles are always insightful. He not only provides the rationale for the issues at hand, but also gives the science behind them that makes it easier to implement changes when necessary. I look forward to each of his excellent discussions.” — Jan, a nurse
- “I salute you for your fight and efforts to improve the awareness to the risks the endoscopes and their reprocessing represent. To me you are like (Ignaz Philipp) Semmelweis who fought for hand hygiene.” — A healthcare practitioner in the Middle East