Category: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

15 Patients Infected with Mycobacteria After Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery at a South Florida Clinic

This article presents some of my perspectives and questions about a recent investigation by state and federal health officials of a cluster of mycobacterial infections linked to cosmetic surgical procedures…

FDA Updates

The following lists most of the FDA’s recently issued updates, safety communications and alerts discussing the manual and automated cleaning and disinfection of side-viewing duodenoscopes (or, ERCP endoscopes). Recommendations provided…

THE SEATTLE TIMES: “Undisclosed superbug sickened dozens at Virginia Mason”

The Seattle Times: “Undisclosed superbug sickened dozens at Virginia Mason” (January 22, 2015) An outbreak of multidrug-resistant superbugs spread by contaminated endoscopes infected at least 35 patients at Virginia Mason…