An alphabetical listing of all of the categories into which each of Dr. Muscarella’s articles in this blog is organized.
- "Immediate Jeopardy" (1)
- 510(k) Clearances (5)
- 522 Order (4)
- ABTOX Plazlyte System (4)
- adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (1)
- Adult Intensive Care Units (4)
- Adulterated Devices (5)
- Adverse Event Reports (7)
- Advocate Lutheran General Hospital (14)
- Air Force (1)
- Airborne Infection Isolation Precautions (2)
- Al Udeid Air Base (Qatar) (1)
- Alcohol Rinsing (1)
- Ambu (1)
- Ambulatory Surgery Centers (4)
- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (1)
- American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (4)
- Antibiotic Therapy (1)
- Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (16)
- Arthroscopic Inflow/Outflow Cannula (2)
- Arthroscopic Shaver Handpieces (2)
- Arthroscopy (3)
- Artificial Intelligence (1)
- Aseptic Technique (18)
- Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (1)
- Audits (4)
- Automated Endoscope Reprocessors (26)
- Olympus OER-Pro (1)
- Soluscope (1)
- STERIS Reliance EPS (3)
- STERIS System 1 (8)
- STERIS System 1E (4)
- Auxiliary Water Channel (11)
- Bacterial (2)
- Bedside Cleaning (7)
- Best Practices (16)
- Biofilms (10)
- Biological Indicators (6)
- Biopsy Forceps (Reusable) (1)
- Borescopy (1)
- Bronchoscopes (27)
- Single-Use (1)
- Bronchoscopy (4)
- Bundles (11)
- Calcium Gluconate (1)
- Candida auris (1)
- carbapenem (2)
- Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) (58)
- Carbapenems (13)
- Cardiopulmonary Bypass (1)
- Cardiopulmonary Perfusion Machine (4)
- Case Reviews (3)
- Case Study (4)
- catheter-associated urinary tract infections (2)
- Causation (1)
- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (1)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (15)
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (3)
- Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (12)
- Central Sterile Processing (9)
- Central-Line Venous Catheters (10)
- Certification (1)
- Checklists (10)
- Chemical Indicators (2)
- Cleaning Agents (2)
- Clostridium difficile (1)
- Colistin (4)
- Colistin-Resistant Bacteria (2)
- MCR-1 gene (4)
- Colonoscopes (36)
- Colonoscopy (8)
- Colposcopy (1)
- Consent Decrees (1)
- Consumers Union (4)
- Contact Precautions (3)
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs) (2)
- Corrections (1)
- Cosmetic Surgery (1)
- COVID-19 (2)
- CPR Manikins (1)
- Creutzfeltd-Jakob Disease (2)
- Critical (2)
- Custom Ultrasonics (6)
- Cystoscopes (10)
- Data Validation (15)
- De Novo Classifications (1)
- Death Certificates (1)
- Delayed Reprocessing (10)
- Department of Veterans Affairs (2)
- Design Control (6)
- Detergents (2)
- Enzymatic (2)
- Device Classifications (3)
- Device Contamination (10)
- Device Recalls (11)
- Duodenoscopes (2)
- Disease Transmission (57)
- Disinfection (19)
- Disposable Irrigation Tubing (8)
- Doctor's Offices (1)
- Dr. Drew (1)
- Droplet Precautions (2)
- Duke University Health System (1)
- Duodenoscopes (28)
- DEC Duodenoscope (1)
- Duodenoscopes with Disposable Components (1)
- Olympus TJF-160F (3)
- Olympus TJF-Q180V (18)
- Olympus TJF-Q190V (1)
- Pentax ED-3490TK (5)
- Pentax ED34-i10T (1)
- Pentax ED34-i10T2 (1)
- Ebola (3)
- Echo-endoscopes (5)
- ECRI Institute (4)
- Elizabeth McCaughey (1)
- Endoscope Damage (6)
- Endoscope Design (2)
- Endoscope Drying (2)
- Endoscope Reprocessing (62)
- Endoscope Sampling (9)
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (50)
- Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) (16)
- ENT Endoscopes (1)
- Enteric Bacteria (1)
- Environmental Contamination (4)
- Handwashing Sinks (2)
- Tap Water (5)
- Escherichia coli (9)
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) (14)
- Expert Consultant (2)
- FDA's Supplemental Measures (1)
- Flash Sterilization (6)
- Flexible "ENT" Laryngoscopes (12)
- Food and Drug Administration (31)
- Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (5)
- Forensic Services (2)
- Form 483 (1)
- Fungal infections (1)
- Fungal Meningitis (1)
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (41)
- Gastroscopes (6)
- GI Endoscopes (44)
- Gloves and Other Personal Protective Equipment (5)
- Glutaraldehyde (9)
- Greenville Memorial Hospital (4)
- Hand Hygiene and Antisepsis (8)
- Healthcare Policy (9)
- Healthcare Quality, Safety (24)
- Healthcare Services (1)
- Healthcare-Acquired Infections (21)
- Heater-Cooler Devices (9)
- CardioQuip (2)
- Cincinnati Sub Zero (2)
- LivaNova (formerly Sorin Group) (3)
- Maquet (2)
- Medtronic (1)
- Terumo (3)
- Hepatitis (B and C) Viruses (19)
- Hershey Medical Center (4)
- High-Level Disinfection (45)
- HIV (16)
- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (1)
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) (2)
- Huntington Memorial Hospital (1)
- Hydraulic Fluid (2)
- Ice Dispensers (3)
- Infection Prevention (74)
- Informed Consent (4)
- Instrument Drying (6)
- Instrument Reprocessing (39)
- Biopsy Forceps (1)
- Intermediate-Level Disinfection (10)
- Interventions (12)
- Investigational Devices (2)
- Investors Business Daily (2)
- Isolation Precautions (5)
- IV Infusions (1)
- Joint Commission (JCAHO) (7)
- Klebsiella pneumoniae (15)
- Laryngeal Airway Masks (LMAs) (1)
- Lawsuits (2)
- Legal Cases (2)
- Legal Reviews (3)
- Rebuttals (2)
- Legionella (8)
- Lehigh Valley Health Network (1)
- Liquid Chemical Sterilants (1)
- Liquid Chemical Sterilization (8)
- Litigation Support (3)
- Los Angeles Times (3)
- Low-Level Disinfection (7)
- Low-Temperature Sterilization (8)
- MAJ-2315 (1)
- MAJ-855 Water Tube (12)
- Manikin Face Shields (1)
- Manufacturers (1)
- Byrne Medical (2)
- ERBE (2)
- GE Healthcare (1)
- Medivators (2)
- Nanosonics (1)
- Olympus (16)
- Pentax (15)
- STERIS (4)
- US Endoscopy (2)
- MAUDE (4)
- Medical Device Reports (MDRs) (20)
- Trending (1)
- Medical Errors (11)
- Medwatch (1)
- Misbranded Devices (6)
- Monitoring Rinse Water (5)
- Multi-Dose Medicine Vials (4)
- Neonatal ICUs (2)
- Neurological Instruments (2)
- Neurology (2)
- Newspapers (1)
- Noncritical (5)
- Nontuberculous Mycobacteria ("NTM") (8)
- O-ring Contamination (3)
- Operating Rooms (4)
- Ophthalmic Instruments (2)
- ortho-phthalaldehyde (7)
- Outbreak Investigations (28)
- Patient Advice (1)
- Patient Notification (14)
- Patty Murray (U.S. Senator) (4)
- Pediatrics (1)
- PENN Medicine (2)
- Peracetic Acid (9)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (1)
- Philadelphia Inquirer (1)
- Postmarket surveillance studies (2)
- Prions (2)
- Prions (2)
- Probes (3)
- Product Labeling (6)
- Prolonged Immersion (2)
- Pseudo Infections (3)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa (19)
- Public Disclosure (1)
- Published Infection Rates (14)
- Quality Assurance (10)
- Quality System Regulation (6)
- Reusable Biopsy Valves (1)
- Reusable Medical Devices (1)
- Rigid Arthroscopes (3)
- Rigid Laryngoscopes (5)
- Risk Assessment (9)
- Risk Management (11)
- Ronald Reagan Medical Center (UCLA) (5)
- Root Causes Analysis (6)
- Salmonella (2)
- San Juan Weekly (1)
- Semicritical Devices (25)
- Serratia spp. (4)
- Sheaths (5)
- Shelf Life, Storage (7)
- Simulated In-Use Microbiological Tests (1)
- Single-Dose Medicine Vials (3)
- Single-Use Disposable Devices (8)
- Skin Electrodes (1)
- Skin Electrodes (Reusable) (2)
- Sleeping Dogs (5)
- Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (1)
- Spaulding's Device Classification (2)
- Spore Strip Tests (1)
- Standard Precautions (5)
- Staphylococcus spp. (1)
- MRSA (1)
- Steam Sterilization (7)
- Sterility (7)
- Sterility Assurance Level (2)
- Sterilization (17)
- Superbugs (24)
- Surgical Instruments (5)
- Surveys (2)
- Syringes or Needles (3)
- Ted Lieu (2)
- TEE (Transesophageal Echocardiography) Probes (5)
- The Reuse of Single-Use Devices (6)
- The Seattle Times (3)
- Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (4)
- TPT Medicare Payment Status (2)
- Transmission-Based Precautions (6)
- Transparency (12)
- Transvaginal Ultrasound Probes (4)
- Trophon EPR (2)
- UC Irvine Medical Center (1)
- Ultrasound Transducers (3)
- Uncategorized (3)
- University of Colorado Hospital (1)
- University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill (2)
- University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (2)
- University of Washington Medical Center (1)
- Updated Guidance (1)
- Urological Endoscopes (1)
- USA Today (5)
- Vanderbilt Medical Center (1)
- ventilator-associated pneumonia (1)
- Veterans Health Administration (10)
- Virginia Mason Medical Center (2)
- Wall Street Journal (1)
- Warning letters (FDA) (2)
- Water Filtration (4)
- Webinars (2)
- Wellspan York Hospital (4)