Category: Ice Dispensers

Deadly Infections at a South Carolina Hospital in 2014: Was A Heater-Cooler Device To Blame? Previously undisclosed data confirm a direct association between the infections and a contaminated heater-cooler device.

February 18, 2016 — A type of medical device recently linked to serious patient infections may have played a more significant role in a deadly hospital outbreak in South Carolina…

Greenville Health System Settles a Lawsuit Claiming Negligence Caused a Patient’s Infection, Death

July 13, 2015 — South Carolina’s Greenville Health System has settled a wrongful death lawsuit with the family of a surgical patient who died in 2014 from an unusual infection…

4th Patient Dies, 15 Infected at Greenville Memorial Hospital Likely Due to Contaminated Tap Water

Note: Dr. Muscarella is accepting new clients seeking guidance in infection prevention, hospital infections, instrument reprocessing, and other related topics. June 27, 2014 (By Lawrence F Muscarella, PhD) — In…