Category: Best Practices “Hospitals get a mixed report card for preventing dangerous infections” (January 16, 2015) “Hospitals get a mixed report card for preventing dangerous infections.” NOTABLE QUOTES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Eliminating hospital infections is a “top priority.”…

Recent Cases of Infection during GI Endoscopy and Other Surgical Procedures: A Focus on Patient Notification

September 30, 2014 — This article discusses a number of recent instances of transmission of the hepatitis C virus and other infectious agents during gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy and other surgical…

Tap Water Used for Irrigation during GI Endoscopy: A Recommendation and Assessment of the Infection Risk

Synopsis: This article discusses the potential for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) associated with the use of tap water, compared to sterile water, for irrigation (and/or cleansing the endoscope’s lens) during gastrointestinal…