Category: Low-Temperature Sterilization

Overlooked Outbreaks of “CRE” Linked to GI Endoscopy: A “Superbug” Epidemic in Our Midst?

December 20, 2013 (updated December 23, 2015) — A Chicago newspaper reported on December 27, 2013, that a hospital in Park Ridge (IL) had identified an outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae,…

Disinfection or Sterilization of a Contaminated Reusable Instrument?

Selection of the “right” sterilization or disinfection process, or technology, for reprocessing a specific type of reusable instrument may not always be straightforward. This is often because the instrument is…

Association of Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (TASS) with Ophthalmic Instrument Sterilization

This article focuses on risk factors, including the reprocessing of ophthalmic instruments, for the eye disorder known as TASS, or toxic anterior segment syndrome. (This article is based on a…