Category: ortho-phthalaldehyde

ortho-phthalaldehyde: A Tale of Three Labels

Note: Dr. Muscarella is accepting new clients seeking guidance in infection prevention, hospital infections, instrument reprocessing, and other related topics. May 6, 2013 (By Lawrence F Muscarella, PhD; revised 12-23-2014)…

Transmission of Infection during Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

This post provides the abstract of a peer-reviewed article, co-authored by Dr. Nelson and Dr. Muscarella, entitled: “Current issues in endoscope reprocessing and infection control during gastrointestinal endoscopy.” This article…

Endoscope Damage: A Review of the Medical Literature (Part 2)

This article by Lawrence F Muscarella, PhD, discusses whether 2% glutaraldehyde formulations and peracetic acid solutions, either of which may be used to achieve high-level disinfection, might cause damage to…