Category: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

How to Reprocess the MAJ-855 Water Tube and the GI Endoscope’s Auxiliary Water Channel

August 13, 2013 — As much as any other lesson, the reprocessing breaches identified at the three Veterans Administration Medical Centers (VAMCs) in Murfreesboro (TN), Augusta (FL), and Miami (FL)…

A Tale of Two Assessments of the Risk of Disease Transmission

December 11, 2012 (updated 8-5-2014): The Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) decision in 2009 not to notify patients of the several infection-control breaches confirmed within the VA Caribbean Healthcare System, which…

Florida Judge Rules in Favor of Veteran in Colonoscopy, Hepatitis C case

A recent newspaper article in Miami (FL) states on 10/11/12 that: “A Miami federal judge ruled in favor of a veteran who says shoddy hygiene practices at a Veterans Administration…